Degree: Habilitation


Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto

Chemistry Research Unit (CIQUP), Institute of Molecular Sciences (IMS)


Joaquim Esteves da Silva completed the title of Aggregate (Habilitation) in Chemistry in 2007/02/07 by the University of Porto Faculty of Sciences, PhD in Chemistry in 1994/06/30 by the University of Porto Faculty of Sciences and Degree in Chemistry in 1985 by the University of Porto Faculty of Sciences. He is a Full Professor at the University of Porto Faculty of Sciences. He has published more than 350 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has published over 20 book chapters. He has 2 registered patents. He has supervised/co-supervised more than 20 PhD students (completed) and he is supervising/co-supervising 10 PhD students. He has received 4 award(s) and/or honours. He participates and/or participated as a Researcher in 7 project(s) and Responsible Researcher in 7 project(s).

Showing 5 latest publications. Total publications: 364
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1. Sustainable Technological Applications of Green Carbon Materials, Freitas, M; Pinto da Silva, L Rodrigues, P; Silva, JEd 2024,
Unpublished,  Indexed in: crossref  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202402.0327.v1 P-010-A4P
Abstract <jats:p>Green carbon-based materials (GCM), i.e. carbon materials produced using renewable biomass or recycled wastes, ought to be used in order to processes become sustainable and carbon neutral. Carbon nanomaterials, like for example carbon dots and nanobichar families, and carbon materials, like for example activated carbon and biochar substances, are sustainable materials with great potential to be used in different technology applications. In this review, the following four applications were selected, and the works published in the last two years (since 2022) critically reviewed: agriculture; water treatment; energy management; and, carbon dioxide reduction and sequestration. GCM improved the performance of the technological applications under revision and play an important role in the sustainability of the processes, contributing to the mitigation of the climate change, namely by reducing emission and increase sequestration of CO2eq..</jats:p>

2. Sustainable Technological Applications of Green Carbon Materials, Freitas, M da Silva, LP Rodrigues, PMSM; da Silva, JE in SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY, 2024, Volume: 5, 
Review,  Indexed in: authenticus, crossref, wos  P-010-A4T
Abstract Green carbon-based materials (GCM), i.e., carbon materials produced using renewable biomass or recycled waste, ought to be used to make processes sustainable and carbon-neutral. Carbon nanomaterials, like carbon dots and the nanobichar families, and carbon materials, like activated carbon and biochar substances, are sustainable materials with great potential to be used in different technological applications. In this review, the following four applications were selected, and the works published in the last two years (since 2022) were critically reviewed: agriculture, water treatment, energy management, and carbon dioxide reduction and sequestration. GCM improved the performance of the technological applications under revision and played an important role in the sustainability of the processes, contributing to the mitigation of climate change, by reducing emissions and increasing the sequestration of CO2eq.

3. Environmental Stressors of Mozambique Soils Quality, Pereira, MJ; Esteves da Silva, JC 2024,
Unpublished,  Indexed in: crossref  DOI: 10.20944/preprints202401.1542.v1 P-010-A4N
Abstract <jats:p>Mozambique is one of the poorest countries of the world. However, it has natural resources and if they are managed under sustainable development principles, Mozambique can overcome the current problems. In the present socio-economic status, soil is one of its most important resources and must be protected from pollution and from degradation. This review focuses on the identification and discussion of the main soil quality stressors, namely: soil fertility; deforestation and its sources: agriculture, timber harvesting, charcoal production and uncontrolled fires; mining activities, manly gold artisanal explorations and industrial open-pit coal mining. The sustainable use of the natural resources is mandatory to allow future generations to continue profiting for this nature-based wealth.</jats:p>

4. Environmental Stressors of Mozambique Soil Quality, Pereira, MJSL; da Silva, JE in ENVIRONMENTS, 2024, ISSN: 2076-3298,  Volume: 11, 
Review,  Indexed in: authenticus, crossref, scopus, wos  P-010-PB5
Abstract Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. However, it has natural resources, and if they are managed under sustainable development principles, it can overcome its current problems. In the present socio-economic status, soil is one of its most important resources and must be protected from pollution and degradation. This review identifies and discusses the main soil quality stressors, namely soil fertility; deforestation and its sources: agriculture, timber harvesting, charcoal production, and uncontrolled fires; mining activities, manly gold artisanal explorations, and industrial open-pit coal mining; and solid wastes management. The sustainable use of natural resources is mandatory for future generations to continue to profit from this nature-based wealth.

5. Investigation of the Chemiluminescent Reaction of a Fluorinated Analog of Marine Coelenterazine, Magalhaes, CM; da Silva, JCGE da Silva, LP in MATERIALS, 2024, ISSN: 1996-1944,  Volume: 17, 
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos  DOI: 10.3390/ma17040868 P-010-2C9
Abstract Bioluminescence (BL) and chemiluminescence (CL) are remarkable processes in which light is emitted due to (bio)chemical reactions. These reactions have attracted significant attention for various applications, such as biosensing, bioimaging, and biomedicine. Some of the most relevant and well-studied BL/CL systems are that of marine imidazopyrazine-based compounds, among which Coelenterazine is a prime example. Understanding the mechanisms behind efficient chemiexcitation is essential for the optimization and development of practical applications for these systems. Here, the CL of a fluorinated Coelenterazine analog was studied using experimental and theoretical approaches to obtain insight into these processes. Experimental analysis revealed that CL is more efficient under basic conditions than under acidic ones, which could be attributed to the higher relative chemiexcitation efficiency of an anionic dioxetanone intermediate over a corresponding neutral species. However, theoretical calculations indicated that the reactions of both species are similarly associated with both electron and charge transfer processes, which are typically used to explain efficiency chemiexcitation. So, neither process appears to be able to explain the relative chemiexcitation efficiencies observed. In conclusion, this study provides further insight into the mechanisms behind the chemiexcitation of imidazopyrazinone-based systems.