Since 2013, CIQUP goals are in line with new societal demands and international guidelines regarding Science & Technology priorities. In this context, a strategical plan was constructed new objectives have been defined that will foster the Unit to reach its main goals: to contribute for the progress of science and technology, to assume the prime role among Portuguese research centers of reference in Chemistry, and being internationally acknowledged as such.
CIQUP strategic principles:
- Explore the appraised level of excellence;
- Develop the interactions with industry;
- Expand and reinforce collaborations and networks;
- Attract talented researchers and students.
Therefore, CIQUP is committed to continuing the contribution to a smart specialization policy, by capitalizing on a strong pro-active role in transnational science, through key contributions in areas such as:
- Drug design, development and delivery;
- Nano- and micro-structured materials, including derivatives of raw renewable sources;
- Environmental and sustainable chemistry;
- Development of devices and methods for energy harvesting and storage.
Even though CIQUP research is most focused in basic science but the application of the results and the concepts are also considered to be crucial to obtain socially and economically relevant outcomes.
As such, CIQUP has a privileged position and it is a central part of its mission to assume a key role towards enabling the regional, national and European long-term ability to:
- Attain Excellence in Science, at the levels of both its research activity, promotion of scientific culture and advanced training of human resources;
- Address Societal Challenges, especially those related to Health and Wellbeing, Clean Energy,Environment, and Raw Materials;
- Contribute to Industrial Leadership, particularly in what concerns Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Innovation in SMEs.
CIQUP will make more effective the use of the Unit deep and broad know-how in diverse fields of Chemistry,privileging fundamental and applied research projects of transversal relevance, mostly aimed at addressing emerging societal challenges including environmental issues. The relevant scientific achievements will be proficiently disseminated among academics, students and broader audiences.