Degree: Doctor
Lisa Sequeira. Completed the PhD in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences (Drug Sciences curriculum) at the University of Cagliari, Italy in 2022 which was titled as European Doctorate. The work developed was considered a major breakthrough and was also internationally awarded by Paul Ehrlich European MedChem Network-PhD Label (Greece, 2023). Completed the BSc (2011) and MSc (2013) Degrees in Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences University of Porto (FCUP), Portugal. Is a post-doc researcher at CIQUP, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, FCUP, working on the discovery and development of new chemical entities with therapeutic potential for neurodegenerative and/or infectious diseases, and evaluation of their physicochemical properties and biological activity in cellular and not-cellular models. Published 8 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, 1 as first and correspondent author and 1 as first author and 1 book chapter (h-index of 5). Participated in international and national scientific conferences, presenting 16 posters (10 as first author) and 9 oral communications (5 as first author). Attended with full grant 1 international training school: the MuTaLig COST Action CA15135 Multi-Targeting Biophysical Training School (Germany, 2019). Participated as invited Assistant in Medicinal Analysis class from the BSc in Pharmacy (University of Cagliari), supervised students in Project (Chemistry BSc, FCUP) and Highschool internship (3 students) and tutored several students in PhD Thesis, Project (Chemistry BSc, FCUP) and Erasmus.
This CIQUP member does not yet have any projects linked with him.Publications
Showing 5 latest publications. Total publications: 7
Show all publicationsArticle, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, unpaywall, wos DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.4c01682

Article, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos DOI: 10.1080/14756366.2023.2270183

Article, Indexed in: crossref DOI: 10.3390/molecules26133821

Article, Indexed in: crossref, scopus DOI: 10.1080/14756366.2019.1654470

Article, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00126