Showing: 10 from total: 2465 publications
811. Carbon dots coated with vitamin B-12 as selective ratiometric nanosensor for phenolic carbofuran
Campos, BB ; Contreras Caceres, R ; Bandosz, TJ ; Jimenez Jimenez, J ; Rodriguez Castellon, E ; Esteves da Silva, JCGE ; Algarra, M
in SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2017, ISSN: 0925-4005,  Volume: 239, 
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract A carbon quantum dots (CQDs) based ratiometric nanosensor exhibiting dual emission fluorescence was developed. The spherical fluorescent carbon nanoparticles were obtained from lactose using a hydrothermal method. Under a single excitation at 355 nm they showed the typical blue emission at 417 nm and a red emission at 550 nm attributed to the coating effect of vitamin B-12. The latter is explained by the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and it consists of 61% of total emission. Upon the presence of carbofuran phenol 3-Keto, a phenolic metabolite of carbofuran, the red emission was quenched, resulting in a ratiometric fluorescence response in the blue range. This ratiometric nanosensor exhibited a good selectivity to carbofuran phenol 3-Keto. The ratio of I-412/I-550 linearly decreased with an increasing carbofuran phenol 3-Keto concentration in the range 9.8 mu M-1.40 x 10(-4) M. A detection limit for carbofuran phenol 3-Keto pesticide was 12.2 mu M. The pesticide tested was extracted from soy sauce. Recovery values ranged from 98% to 114% with RSD values from 1.50% to 6.50%.

812. Energetic effects of alkyl groups (methyl and ethyl) on the nitrogen of the morpholine structure
Freitas, VLS ; Silva, CAO ; Paiva, MAT ; Ribeiro da Silva, MDMCR
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract A thermochemical study of N-methylmorpholine and N-ethylmorpholine compounds was performed with the purpose of evaluating and understanding the energetic effects inherent to the replacement of the hydrogen of the amino group by an alkyl group in the morpholine scaffold. Calorimetric techniques complemented by computational calculations were used to determine the standard molar enthalpies of formation, in the gaseous phase, at T = 298.15 K, of the two morpholine derivatives. Static bomb combustion calorimetry and vacuum drop microcalorimetric techniques were used. Computational calculations of the enthalpies of hypothetical reactions in the gaseous phase, using the G3(MP2)//B3LYP composite method, were performed for the two morpholine derivatives. The values of the experimental and computational gas-phase enthalpy of formation obtained for N-alkylmorpholine compounds will be compared and discussed. The energetic effect and the structural changes resulting from the substitution of the hydrogen of the amino group by an alkyl group in the morpholine scaffold are analyzed.

813. mSciences: an Affinity Space for Science Teachers
Mota, J ; Morais, C ; Moreira, L ; Paiva, JC
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract The project 'Multimedia in science teaching: five years of research and teaching in Portugal' was successful in featuring the national research on multimedia in science education and in providing the community with a simple reference tool - a repository of open access scientific texts. The current work aims to describe the theoretical background that may allow creating and sustainably developing an online community on science teaching. The community should be capable of appropriating and generating scientific peer review and validation processes, which would allow reflections on teaching practices in science areas using information and communication technologies (ICT) and improvements from a participatory science perspective. Through an action-research process, the current platform is being adjusted in the sense of implementing strategies able to attract and engage an interested public and progressively to create a community of peers. The project is particularly relevant with respect to the gap between academic production and pedagogical practice and the avenues that it opens for comparing affinity spaces across different locations and domains of interest.

814. Energetic and reactivity properties of 9,10-dihydroacridine and diphenylamine: A comparative overview
Freitas, VLS ; Gomes, JRB ; Liebman, JF ; Ribeiro da Silva, MDMCR
in JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, 2017, ISSN: 0021-9614,  Volume: 115, 
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract The purpose of this research was to determine the energetic and reactivity properties of diphenylamine and 9,10-dihydroacridine using computational methodologies. The equilibrium geometries in the gaseous phase of the studied compounds were analysed in detail and the structural effects on the aforementioned properties were assessed. The values of the gas-phase standard molar enthalpies of formation of diphenylamine (217.7 +/- 1.8) kJ.mol(-1) and 9,10-dihydroacridine (198.7 +/- 4.4) kJ.mol(-1) were estimated by hypothetical gas-phase reactions using the G3(MP2)//B3LYP composite method. These data were compared with the ones available in the literature, including the gas-phase enthalpy of formation of 9,10-dihydroacridine derived from the assumption of comparability of the enthalpies of hydrogenation in the liquid and gas phases. Other gas-phase thermodynamic properties, namely the bond dissociation enthalpies (NAH and CAH) and the gas-phase acidities were also determined. The electrostatic potential surfaces and the frontier molecular orbitals were determined for both compounds, allowing us to infer about its reactivity. Other derived properties include the HOMO-LUMO energy gap and the ionization potential. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd.

815. NOOA: Maintaining Cultural Identity Through Intergenerational Storytelling and Digital Affinity Spaces
Monteiro, J ; Morais, C ; Carvalhais, M
in INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING, ICIDS 2017, 2017, ISSN: 0302-9743,  Volume: 10690, 
Proceedings Paper,  Indexed in: crossref, dblp, scopus, wos 
Abstract The possibility to preserve perspectives of reality with spontaneous creations allowed by the web tools that now empower common users with content production skills highlights the numerous opportunities for the present and future of cultural identity maintenance. Our research approaches digital storytelling during intergenerational dynamics as a stage for a participatory contribution to the maintenance of cultural identity. With an ethnographic approach and with partnerships with existing senior movements, we seek to (a) understand the storytelling processes during intergenerational dynamics, (b) develop a framework for the participative creation of narratives in the context of intergenerational cultural identity maintenance, (c) support the participatory maintenance of cultural identity through a set of workshops for intergenerational storytelling, (d) understand the challenges and opportunities promoted by digital affinity spaces for the maintenance of cultural identity. Our contribution proposes to develop the understanding of the role that interactive narratives can have in the context of cultural identity maintenance, by developing new usage strategies to enhance cultural mediation through social and ubiquitous storytelling strategies.

816. Interactive Storytelling for the Maintenance of Cultural Identity: The Potential of Affinity Spaces for the Exchange and Continuity of Intergenerational Cultural Knowledge
Monteiro, J ; Morais, C ; Carvalhais, M
in INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING, ICIDS 2017, 2017, ISSN: 0302-9743,  Volume: 10690, 
Proceedings Paper,  Indexed in: crossref, dblp, scopus, wos 
Abstract In an increasingly aged society, with unmeasurable cultural richness kept by its elder elements for their vast life experience, it is urgent to preserve this cultural knowledge before it disappears. The capacity of the computational space to accommodate a virtualization of reality is evident, alongside with the possibility to preserve perspectives of reality with spontaneous and very easy to sort creations thanks to the web tools that now support content production by any common user. Despite all the relevant problematics brought by this context where the common user is simultaneously consumer and producer of information, the opportunities for the present and future of cultural identity maintenance are numerous. This paper approaches the idea of supporting the participatory maintenance of cultural identity through intergenerational storytelling and the dynamization of digital affinity spaces. Our contribution aims to grow the understanding of the role that interactive narratives can have in the real world and in the specific context of cultural identity maintenance, by developing new usage strategies to enhance cultural mediation with the tools we have available and with the help of social, ubiquitous and mobile storytelling strategies.

817. Effect of O-3 and NO2 atmospheric pollutants on Platanus x acerifolia pollen: Immunochemical and spectroscopic analysis
Ribeiro, H ; Costa, C ; Abreu, I ; Esteves da Silva, JCGE
in SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2017, ISSN: 0048-9697,  Volume: 599, 
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract In the present study, the effects of two important oxidizing atmospheric pollutants (O-3 and NO2) on the allergenic properties and chemical composition of Platanus x acerifolia pollen were studied. Pollen samples were subjected to O-3 and/or NO2 under in vitro conditions for 6 h at atmospheric concentration levels (O-3: 0.061 ppm; NO2; 0.025 ppm and the mixture of O-3 and NO2: 0.060 and 0.031 ppm respectively). Immunoblotting (using Pla a 1 and Pla a 2 antibodies), infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy techniques were used. Immunochemical analysis showed that pollen allergenidty changes were different according to the pollutant tested (gas or mixture of gasses) and that the same pollutant gas may interact in a different manner with each specific allergen. The spectroscopy results showed modifications in the FTIR spectral features of bands assigned to proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides of the pollen exposed to the pollutants, as well as in the XPS spectra high-resolution components C 1s, N 1s, and O 1s. This indicates that while airborne, the pollen wall suffers further modifications of its components induced by air pollution, which can compromise the pollen function.

818. Mechanistic Insight into Cypridina Bioluminescence with a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Chemiluminescent Approach
da Silva, LP ; Pereira, RFJ ; Magalhaes, CM ; Esteves da Silva, JCGE
in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 2017, ISSN: 1520-6106,  Volume: 121, 
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract The bioluminescent reaction of the "sea firefly" Cypridina hilgendorfii is a prototypical system for marine bioluminescence, as its substrate possesses an imidazopyrazinone core that is a common link among organisms of eight phyla. The elucidation of the mechanism behind Cypridina bioluminescence is essential for future applications in bioimaging, biomedicine, and bioanalysis. In this study we have investigated the key step of chemiexcitation with a combined experimental and theoretical approach. The obtained results indicate that neutral dioxetanone is responsible for efficient chemiexcitation, as the thermolysis of this species gives access to a long region of the potential energy surface (PES), where the ground and excited singlet states are degenerated. Contrary to expected, neither chemically induced electron exchange luminescence (CIEEL) nor charge transfer-initiated luminescence (CTIL) can be used to explain imidazopyrazinonebased bioluminescence, as there is no clear relationship between electron (ET)/charge (CT) transfer (occurring between the electron-rich moiety and dioxetanone) and chemiexcitation. Attractive electrostatic interactions between the CO2 and oxyluciferin moieties allow neutral dioxetanone to spend time in the PES region of degeneracy, while repulsive interactions for anionic dioxetanone lead to a quicker CO2 detachment.

819. Theoretical Analysis of the Effect Provoked by Bromine-Addition on the Thermolysis and Chemiexcitation of a Model Dioxetanone
da Silva, LP ; Pereira, RFJ ; Esteves da Silva, JCGE
in JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2017, ISSN: 2090-9063,  Volume: 2017, 
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract Chemi-/bioluminescence are phenomena in which chemical energy is converted into electronically excited singlet states, which decay with light emission. Given this feature, along with high quantum yields and other beneficial characteristics, these systems have gained numerous applications in bioanalysis, in biomedicine, and in the pharmaceutical field. Singlet chemiexcitation ismade possible by the formation of cyclic peroxides (as dioxetanones) as thermolysis provides a route for a ground state reaction to produce singlet excited states. However, such thermolysis can also lead to the formation of triplet states. While triplet states are not desired in the typical applications of chemi-/bioluminescence, the efficient production of such states can open the door for the use of these systems as sensitizers in photocatalysis and triplet- triplet annihilation, among other fields. Thus, the goal of this study is to assess the effect of heavy atom addition on the thermolysis and triplet chemiexcitation of a model dioxetanone. Monobromination does not affect the thermolysis reaction but can improve the efficiency of intersystem crossing, depending on the position of monobromination. Addition of bromine atoms to the triplet state reaction product has little effect on its properties, except on its electron affinity, in which monobromination can increase between 3.1 and 8.8 kcal mol(-1).

820. Comprehensive Thermochemical Study of Cyclic Five- and Six-Membered N,N '-Thioureas
Silva, ALR ; Ribeiro da Silva, MDMCR
in JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, 2017, ISSN: 0021-9568,  Volume: 62, 
Article,  Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos 
Abstract An experimental and computational study of the thermochemical and structural properties of ethylenethiourea (ETU) has been carried out. The enthalpies of combustion and sublimation, measured respectively by rotating-bomb combustion calorimetry and Calvet microcalorimetry, yielded the gas-phase enthalpy of formation of ETU at T = 298.15 K. This latter parameter was also derived from high-level molecular orbital calculations at the G3(MP2)//B3LYP level of theory, leading to a value in excellent agreement with the one obtained from experimental data. With the purpose of evaluating the influence of the ring size in the enthalpy of formation of cyclic N,N'-thiourea derivatives, the calculation of the enthalpy of formation of N,N'-trimethylenethiourea (MTU) was performed using the G3-(MP2)//B3LYP approach. The effects of substituents (carbonyl and thiocarbonyl) on the molecular stability of several N-alkyl (cyclic) ureas/thioureas were also studied.