Degree: Doctor
Renata Costa (RC) has currently a contracted Researcher position at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto in Portugal. RC holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry (approved with Distinction) on the topic of ELECTRIFIED INTERFACES for ENERGY STORAGE applications. Lecturer in Porto University in several courses of ERASMUS+ SERPCHEM, Chemistry, and Biochemistry Master degree disciplines - Instrumental Analysis, Electrochemical Technology, Interfacial Electrochemistry, Laboratory of Materials and Surface Analysis, Project/Internship. Invited Lecturer/Researcher @ Santiago de Compostela University (under ERASMUS contract agreement nº UP23AC1810 and IACOBUS). RC received specific training in the Management of Scientific Units and Projects, Scientific Culture and Science Communication, Negotiation, Evaluation, and Preparation of European Applications, Innovation Management Concepts, and Practices. RC accumulates partial duties of SCIENCE MANAGEMENT@IMS/CIQUP RG4 (funding acquisition, Project Management, Science Communication, Data Management Plans, selection of HR). RC integrates the EUGLOH High Education network and EIT Climate KIC network-a Knowledge and Innovation Community working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, climate-resilient society (among others). 32 published papers (1 Conference paper), 1 book chapter, in peer-reviewed journals (>10 as CA, h-index 14, 726 citations Scopus). Most Cited paper: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2008.05.014 (137 citations). Speaker of 35 talks (50 % invited), author/co-author 25 conference posters. Supervisor/co-supervisor /mentoring of 1 Post-Doc, 3 Ph.D., 3 MSc, 7 BSc thesis, and 6 scientific initiations. Active role in Legal Proceedings occurring at Universidade do Porto, Invited Editor@Open Access Journal. Invited Researcher @ Claude Bernard University in France (1st semester 2018/May 2022). Co-organizer o SPERTUS U.Porto/Madrid Transição Energética e Competitividade Industrial Oct 2022/Jun2023, a platform for debate and reflection on ENERGY TRANSITION.
This CIQUP member does not yet have any projects linked with him.Publications
Showing 5 latest publications. Total publications: 28
Show all publicationsArticle, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos DOI: 10.3390/foods13152330

Article, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2024.343340

Article, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, unpaywall, wos DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2021.339310

Article, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, wos DOI: 10.3390/nano12010099

Article, Indexed in: crossref, scopus, unpaywall, wos DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130122